Software Development
Android For .NET Developers
Advanced Topics 1
Advanced Topics 2
Android OS
Android User Interface Elements
Introduction to Xamarin for .NET
Other Approaches to Development

Advanced Topics 1

Course Number:
Lesson Objectives

Advanced Topics 1

  • start the course
  • describe similarities and differences between Java and C#
  • describe the differences in naming conventions for similar structures
  • describe similarities and differences between Java and C# for object-oriented programming
  • identify the features of C# Lambda expressions
  • describe similarities and differences between Java and C# for events
  • describe methods to make use of existing Java components
  • invoke managed code from your Xamarin project
  • create a binding project to wrap a Java library
  • use Java code through the Java Native Interface
  • describe how to port code from Java to C#
  • describe the details of garbage collection in Xamarin
  • write code with an eye to efficient garbage collection
  • provide Android Debug Bridge or ADB support in your application
  • debug Xamarin applications in Visual Studio
  • utilize common troubleshooting techniques
  • start the emulator from the command line
  • describe various Xamarin system properties
  • control the resulting size of your application package
  • control the behavior of the Linker
  • describe settings available in the AndroidManifest.xml file
  • enable support for debugging your application with Android Debug Bridge or ADB

Many Android developers may be coming into Xamarin.Android with an existing Java background. This course provides resources and examples to help you transition from Android development in Java to C#. You will also learn about advanced programming topics such as debugging and garbage collection.

Target Audience
Developers wishing to develop mobile applications that target Android and other platforms

Advanced Topics 2

Course Number:
Lesson Objectives

Advanced Topics 2

  • start the course
  • describe design goals of the Xamarin application program interface or API
  • describe the design of the Xamarin bindings
  • target your build at a specific application binary interface or ABI
  • make use of and bundle native libraries into your Android Package Kit or APK
  • ensure your application does not suffer from an unresponsive GUI
  • describe how a Xamarin.Android application interfaces with the Android platform
  • describe the usage of Callable Wrappers
  • describe the relationship between Java and C# constructors
  • use the Dispose function with caution
  • describe the process of launching a Xamarin.Android app
  • describe the steps involved in building a Xamarin.Android Android Package Kit or APK
  • identify the components of the Build process
  • describe the various actions that control how a file is processed during build
  • describe the features and utility of the Android Wear application program interface or API
  • prepare your Xamarin.Android install for developing Android Wear apps
  • create a simple Android Wear application
  • make use of user interface or UI controls specific to Android Wear
  • write applications that work with multiple screen sizes
  • describe how Android Wear apps are packaged
  • install Visual Studio Emulator for Android
  • describe the system requirements and limitations of the Visual Studio Emulator for Android
  • monitor network traffic with Fiddler
  • describe the configuration options in the emulator
  • identify the features available to test using the emulator
  • create a simple Android Wear application

Understanding the design and background processes used by your development environment can increase productivity and help produce more efficient code. This course discusses a number of advanced topics that take place 'under the hood' of Xamarin.Android apps and their build process. You will also learn about Android wearable devices and writing applications to target the Android Wear platform. This course also introduces the Visual Studio Emulator for Android and highlights its features.

Target Audience
Developers wishing to develop mobile applications that target Android and other platforms

Android For .NET Developers: Android OS

Course Number:
Lesson Objectives

Android For .NET Developers: Android OS

  • start the course
  • describe the features of Android 4.0
  • describe the features of Android 4.1
  • describe the features of Android 4.4
  • describe the features of Android 5.0
  • describe the features of the current Android 6.0 beta
  • use Android to speak the written text
  • use Android to interpret written text from the spoken words
  • use the location services to determine device location
  • plot a position on Google Maps
  • make use of ContentProviders to access data
  • create a class to interface with the database
  • connect the ContentProvider to the application interface
  • handle the orientation of the device in your application
  • save state so that your program doesn't lose data when the user rotates the device
  • utilize the simple graphics and animations in your app
  • configure the permissions required by your application
  • specify the target architectures for your application
  • make use of services
  • use services to perform background tasks in your application
  • work with audio in your application
  • debug your application on Android hardware
  • obtain your app's cryptographic signature
  • access and use the debug log
  • profile your application for performance metrics
  • publish an application
  • set up an emulator that supports Google Play Services for use in demos in this section
  • view the debug log from an application to aid in troubleshooting

The Android mobile platform has become extremely popular. Available on both flagship devices with high-specification hardware as well as budget handsets, it offers developers and consumers a large number of useful application program interfaces or APIs and features. In this course, you will learn to create a simple Android application and run it in an emulator. You will also learn some of the fundamentals and history of the Android platform.

Target Audience
Developers wishing to develop mobile applications that target Android and other platforms

Android User Interface Elements

Course Number:
Lesson Objectives

Android User Interface Elements

  • start the course
  • use the interface designer
  • describe the Android 5.0 visual style
  • add a Splash Screen to your application
  • use the basic user interface elements
  • design an interface using a grid layout
  • design an interface with a linear layout
  • design an interface with a relative layout
  • design an interface with a table layout
  • adjust the visibility of the navigation bar
  • use the ActionBar to implement a tabbed interface
  • make use of pop-up menus
  • use ListViews to display lists of data
  • display a video or an OpenGL content
  • use a RecyclerView to display a collection of data
  • implement a class to be used by RecyclerView
  • create an adapter class for the RecyclerView
  • use a CardView to display information
  • connect a CardView to a data source
  • display items from the data source in the CardView UI
  • create an adapter for a GridView
  • connect an adapter to a GridView
  • display items in a scrollable gallery
  • display web content in a WebView
  • retrieve the list of calendars on the system
  • read the events and data from a calendar
  • add and update the calendar events
  • select dates using the Date Picker
  • specify times using the Time Picker
  • present a list of selectable items using the Spinner
  • toggle an item between states using a switch
  • provide autocomplete functionality on a text input
  • access device owner data in the User Profile
  • lay out the basic Android UI elements

The Android platform offers a host of useful user interface components that you can leverage to create your application and provide a meaningful interaction for your users. Layout elements control how your application is presented to the user, and Views provide elegant methods of displaying interactive data to your users. In this course, you will learn about the variety of UI elements available for use in the Xamarin.Android development environment. You will also learn to utilize and place UI components in the UI designer.

Target Audience
Developers wishing to develop mobile applications that target Android and other platforms

Introduction to Xamarin for .NET

Course Number:
Lesson Objectives

Introduction to Xamarin for .NET

  • start the course
  • describe the key features of the Xamarin platform
  • list and describe the system requirements for installing Xamarin
  • demonstrate the process for installing Xamarin in Visual Studio
  • configure Xamarin.Android
  • configure the Android emulator in Visual Studio
  • describe how Xamarin integrates with Visual Studio
  • identify the key components of an Android application
  • list and describe the Android templates available in Visual Studio
  • describe what Android activities are and how they are used
  • recognize the fundamental elements of the Android user interface
  • describe how to use Android intents to communicate within an Android application
  • demonstrate how basic navigation works in an Android application
  • perform the key steps involved in creating a basic application using Xamarin in Visual Studio
  • create classes to support an application
  • create unit tests to validate code correctness
  • describe what are Android fragments and specify their purpose
  • work with multiple screens in an Android application
  • perform the key steps involved in deploying an application using Xamarin in Visual Studio
  • identify how to use the application program interface or API level to determine application compatibility
  • demonstrate how to target specific frameworks using Xamarin and Visual Studio
  • describe how to launch and use the Software Development Kit or SDK Manager
  • describe what Android resources are and their purpose
  • recognize how to use resources to localize an Android application
  • specify what Android assets are and how they're used
  • demonstrate how to create a basic Android application using Xamarin in Visual Studio

The Xamarin.Android platform provides a means to design and develop Android applications using .NET/C# in Visual Studio, or the native Xamarin integrated development environment (IDE). It allows developers who may already be familiar with application development in C# to quickly get started developing mobile Android applications. C#/.NET has a small learning curve allowing new developers an easy path to mobile app development. In this course, you will learn to prepare an Xamarin development environment. You will also familiarize yourself with some of the basics of Android development.

Target Audience
Developers wishing to develop mobile applications that target Android and other platforms

Android For .NET Developers: Different Approaches to Development

Course Number:
Lesson Objectives

Android For .NET Developers: Different Approaches to Development

  • start the course
  • describe the features of Apache Cordova
  • install the tools to develop using Visual Studio and Cordova
  • configure the Visual Studio tools
  • manage Cordova plugins
  • create an Apache Cordova app
  • configure your applications properties
  • build your application on multiple platforms
  • run your app within the Ripple simulator
  • run your app within the Android OS
  • run your app within the Windows Phone OS
  • find and correct bugs in your application
  • integrate connected services with your app
  • verify settings and build your app
  • sign your application with your certificate
  • publish your application
  • access platform-specific projects with Cordova
  • describe cross-platform development
  • describe the cross-platform features of Visual C++
  • install the tools for cross-platform development in Visual Studio 2015
  • install required dependencies manually
  • create a simple Android activity app in C++
  • create a simple Android activity app

In addition to Xamarin.Android, other cross-platform development solutions exist to target Android and other mobile platforms. Depending on your needs and application requirements, an alternative approach may prove easier and more cost-effective for your deployment. In this course, you will learn about the Apache Cordova framework and also learn about developing cross-platform applications using C++.

Target Audience
Developers wishing to develop mobile applications that target Android and other platforms

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