Software Development
Ruby on Rails 4.2
Advanced Rails
Examining Rails APIs
Introduction to Models
Introduction to Rails
Introduction to Views

Advanced Rails

Course Number:
Lesson Objectives

Advanced Rails

  • start the course
  • use Sidekiq to create an ActiveJob
  • use Sidekiq to handle queue management of ActiveJobs
  • add exception handling on queues
  • create and configure a mailer
  • use mailer views and templates
  • implement the mail call in controller
  • customize the mailer
  • use different tools to debug Rails applications
  • configure RSpec
  • run tests
  • use Factory Girl
  • unit test models
  • use RSpec mocking and stubbing facilities
  • test validations
  • use matchers to work with classes that implement module Enumerable
  • write functional controller tests
  • test views
  • test helpers
  • test integrations
  • use shared_examples
  • write tests for active jobs
  • test mailers
  • use VCR to record HTTP integrations
  • use guard to automatically run tests
  • generate performance tests
  • create tests for a user model

Ruby on Rails is an open-source web application framework that’s optimized for programmers. Rails provides default structures for a database, a web service, and web pages. In this course, you will learn some of the more advanced features in Rails such as the Action Mailer and how to perform testing and debugging.

Target Audience
Programmers looking to expand their skill set in the Rails environment.

Examining Rails APIs

Course Number:
Lesson Objectives

Examining Rails APIs

  • start the course
  • create an API application
  • add rails-api to an existing project
  • use Postman to test results
  • work with endpoints for INDEX and CREATE
  • work with endpoint for SHOW, UPDATE, and DESTROY
  • render JSON manually
  • render JSON with active_model_serializers
  • use versioning
  • generate access tokens for authentication
  • use SessionsController for issuing and validating access tokens
  • use the authenticate_or_request_with_http_token method
  • perform authentication with Devise
  • set up Apipie Gem
  • document resources and actions using Apipie
  • customize validators for Apipie
  • use RDoc for documentation
  • use Rack::Test to test HTTP response codes
  • work with log directories
  • implement Unicorn as a web server
  • use Kaminari for pagination
  • create search forms with Ransack
  • describe the basics of elasticsearch
  • manipulate CSV files
  • use rjb to connect Ruby with Java
  • customize error pages
  • put search on an API endpoint

Rails is an MVC framework that facilitates the use of web standards such as JSON and XML for data transfer, and HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for display and user interfacing. In this course, you will learn the basics for creating an API, how to use Postman, and how to implement API authentication.

Target Audience
Programmers looking to expand their skill set in the Rails environment

Introduction to Models

Course Number:
Lesson Objectives

Introduction to Models

  • start the course
  • describe the basics of how ActiveRecord works
  • use has_one, has_many, and belongs_to associations
  • use the :through association
  • make one class belongs_to more than one type of another class
  • use virtual attributes
  • persist data into multiple models
  • describe Hstore and how it is used
  • perform model validation
  • use conditional validation
  • use custom validators in models
  • use custom validators in classes
  • compare using the errors[ ] with the invalid? method
  • recall what methods do not invoke validations
  • protect against attacks by controlling mass-assignment attributes
  • use .where and .find
  • execute a raw SQL query
  • compare the .select and .pluck methods
  • use different finder methods to retrieve objects from the database
  • define and chain query criteria
  • chain scopes with lambdas
  • load all the specified associations with the minimum number of queries
  • use active model
  • recall how to use modules to share functionality between disparate model classes
  • use conditional callbacks
  • use transaction callbacks
  • use ActiveRecord to model data

Rails is a web application framework that provides default structures for a database, a web service, and web pages. Rails lets you write code by favoring convention over configuration. In this course, you will learn how to work with the ActiveRecord, perform validations, and work with virtual models including model callbacks.

Target Audience
Programmers looking to expand their skill set in the Rails environment

Introduction to Rails

Course Number:
Lesson Objectives

Introduction to Rails

  • start the course
  • describe Rails
  • set up the Rails environment
  • create a new project
  • recall how to change different settings
  • describe where the secrets.yml file is found and what it contains
  • describe how to use the bundler
  • create a new Logger and describe how the Rails.logger method is used
  • generate a basic scaffold
  • describe the scaffold
  • describe what the routes.rb file is and how it is used
  • describe how to use a singular resource route
  • create nested resource routes
  • create shallow resource routes
  • create static pages
  • describe what migrations are and how they are used
  • create and sequence a migration
  • perform and roll back a migration
  • recall what some of the migration and database constraints are
  • recall how to edit the seeds.rb file
  • describe the controller actions INDEX, NEW, and CREATE
  • describe the member actions SHOW, EDIT, UPDATE, and DESTROY
  • use respond_to to render JSON and XML
  • use the ActionController::Live module
  • use action callbacks
  • use variants to render different templates based on some criteria
  • generate a basic scaffold and create shallow routes

Rails is a powerful web application framework written in Ruby. Rails puts a strong emphasis on the programming paradigms of convention over configuration and don't repeat yourself. In this course, you will learn the basics of the Rails environment. You'll learn about routing, what the ActionController does, and how to do seeding.

Target Audience
Programmers looking to expand their skill set in the Rails environment

Introduction to Views

Course Number:
Lesson Objectives

Introduction to Views

  • start the course
  • use rendering and layouts
  • use partials to break up the render process into modular chunks
  • use FormHelper to provide a set of methods for working with HTML forms
  • describe how Rails uses the flash object to display errors
  • use CsrfHelper to output meta tags with the name of the cross-site request forgery protection parameter and token
  • use UrlHelper to make links and get URLs that depend on the routing subsystem
  • use the Rails view helper
  • write custom helpers
  • use formatting view helpers
  • set up Rails for Internationalization
  • use the session hash to store and access data and read and write cookies
  • install devise
  • configure devise
  • install Pundit
  • configure Pundit
  • describe how the asset pipeline looks for assets to include
  • code links to assets
  • use fingerprinting and minification
  • use CDNs to improve performance
  • describe how server-generated JavaScript works with Rails
  • use Turbolinks to attach a click handler to all links of an HTML page
  • use fragment caching
  • implement collection caching and cache keys
  • use Russian Doll caching
  • create initializers inside of gems
  • create custom rake tasks
  • use different elements within views and sessions

Rails is a model view controller framework that encourages use of the software engineering paradigm don't repeat yourself. In this course, you will learn how to work with Rails Helpers, how to perform authentication, and how to use the asset pipeline to your advantage.

Target Audience
Programmers looking to expand their skill set in the Rails environment

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