Oracle Database 12c Administrator Certified Associate
1Z0-062 - Oracle Database 12c: Installation and Administration
Backing Up, Recovering, Importing, and Exporting Data in Oracle Database 12c
Connectivity and Space Management in Oracle Database 12c
Database Maintenance and Performance Tuning in Oracle Database 12c
Managing an Oracle Database 12c Instance
SQL Tuning, Resource Management, and Job Scheduling in Oracle Database 12c
User Security and Auditing in Oracle Database 12c
1Z0-071 Oracle database 12c R2: SQL Fundamentals
Oracle Database 12c R2 SQL: Controlling User Access
Oracle Database 12c R2 SQL: Conversion Functions and Conditional Expressions
Oracle Database 12c R2 SQL: Creating Other Schema Objects
Oracle Database 12c R2 SQL: Data Definition Language (DDL)
Oracle Database 12c R2 SQL: Data Manipulation Language and Transaction Control Language
Oracle Database 12c R2 SQL: Displaying Data from Multiple Tables
Oracle Database 12c R2 SQL: Managing Objects with Data Dictionary Views
Oracle Database 12c R2 SQL: Managing Schema Objects
Oracle Database 12c R2 SQL: Manipulating Data Using Advanced Queries
Oracle Database 12c R2 SQL: Reporting Aggregated Data Using the Group Functions
Oracle Database 12c R2 SQL: Restricting and Sorting Data
Oracle Database 12c R2 SQL: SQL*Plus
Oracle Database 12c R2 SQL: Using Basic SELECT statements
Oracle Database 12c R2 SQL: Using Single-Row Functions to Customize Output
Oracle Database 12c R2 SQL: Using Structured Query Language (SQL)
Oracle Database 12c R2 SQL: Using Subqueries to Solve Queries
Oracle Database 12c R2 SQL: Using the Set Operators
TestPrep 1Z0-071 Oracle Database SQL

Backing Up, Recovering, Importing, and Exporting Data in Oracle Database 12c

Course Number:
Lesson Objectives

Backing Up, Recovering, Importing, and Exporting Data in Oracle Database 12c

  • start the course
  • recognize responsibilities for preventing and responding to database, statement, and user process failures in Oracle Database 12c
  • describe network failures, user errors and instance failures and describe the Oracle Flashback Technology features in Oracle Database 12c
  • describe media failure and distinguish between complete and point-in-time recovery in Oracle Database 12c
  • describe the Oracle data protection solutions in Oracle Database 12c
  • explain the use of checkpoints, redo log files, and log writers in Oracle Database 12c
  • describe and configure instance recovery, and use the Mean Time To Recover (MTTR) Advisor in Oracle Database 12c
  • configure and monitor the flash recovery area in Oracle Database 12c
  • multiplex control and redo log files in Oracle Database 12c
  • configure archiving of redo log files in Oracle Database 12c
  • describe backup solutions in Oracle Database 12c
  • describe backup types and the use of the Recovery Manager in Oracle Database 12c
  • use the Recovery Manager to configure backup settings in Oracle Database 12c
  • implement the Oracle suggested backup strategy and back up a control file to a trace file in Oracle Database 12c
  • create backups using RMAN commands and manage backups in Oracle Database 12c
  • recover a database and use the Data Recovery Advisor in Oracle Database 12c
  • recover from loss of a control file or redo log file in Oracle Database 12c
  • recover data files in NOARCHIVELOG and ARCHIVELOG modes in Oracle Database 12c
  • describe the functional components used for moving data and the use of Oracle Data Pump in Oracle Database 12c
  • work with Oracle Data Pump directory objects, clients, and modes in Oracle Database 12c
  • export data using Data Pump in Oracle Database 12c
  • import data using Data Pump in Oracle Database 12c
  • create a SQL*Loader control file in Oracle Database 12c
  • use SQL*Loader to load external data into tables in Oracle Database 12c
  • describe the uses of external tables in Oracle Database 12c
  • use ORACLE_LOADER to access external tables in Oracle Database 12c
  • create and populate an external table using ORACLE_DATAPUMP in Oracle Database 12c
  • use data dictionary views to access information about external tables in Oracle Database 12c
  • verify database configuration and export the HR schema in the Oracle Database 12c

A key responsibility of an Oracle database administrator is protecting databases from failure. It's also important to be able to import and export data in various ways. In this course, you'll learn how to back up and recover databases, how to migrate and load data, and how to work with external tables in Oracle Database 12c, and the Oracle Database 12c Installation and Administration exam (1Z0-062).

Target Audience
Data warehouse administrator; database administrators; database designers; support engineer; technical administrator

Connectivity and Space Management in Oracle Database 12c

Course Number:
Lesson Objectives

Connectivity and Space Management in Oracle Database 12c

  • start the course
  • describe the functions of Oracle Net Services and Oracle Net Listener with Oracle Database 12c
  • use Oracle Net Services to connect to an Oracle Database 12c database instance
  • configure naming methods for connecting to an Oracle Database 12c database
  • describe and use tools for managing Oracle Net Services to manage connectivity with Oracle Database 12c
  • use the Oracle Net Configuration Assistant and the Listener Control utility to configure Oracle Database 12c
  • configure advanced connection options and test Oracle Net connectivity with Oracle Database 12c
  • describe dedicated and shared server configurations in Oracle Database 12c
  • configure communication between Oracle Database 12c database instances
  • describe how table data is stored in Oracle Database 12c
  • create a new tablespace in Oracle Database 12c
  • describe the default tablespaces created in a database and the options for altering the status or state of a tablespace
  • add a data file to a tablespace, modify a data file, and rename and move data files in Oracle Database 12c
  • describe and use Oracle Managed Files (OMF) in Oracle Database 12c
  • monitor Tablespace disk usage in Oracle Database 12c
  • describe block space management, including the use of row chaining and migration, in Oracle Database 12c
  • describe segment types and the allocation of segments to extents, and manage free space within segments in Oracle Database 12c
  • describe and control deferred segment creation in Oracle Database 12c
  • describe the phases of a table shrink operation
  • use the Automatic Segment Advisor to shrink segments online in Oracle Database 12c
  • shrink Oracle Database 12c segments using SQL and Enterprise Manager
  • manage resumable space allocation in Oracle Database 12c
  • describe the types and uses of table compression in Oracle Database 12c
  • use the Compression Advisor and the DBMS_COMPRESSION package to compress tables in Oracle Database 12c
  • describe the use of undo records in Oracle Database 12c
  • manage undo records and configure undo retention in Oracle Database 12c
  • describe and enable the Temporary Undo feature in Oracle Database 12c
  • monitor undo operations and use the Undo Advisor in Oracle Database 12c
  • create a tablespace, add a data file, and manage Undo operations in Oracle Database 12c

Key aspects of administering Oracle Database 12c include managing client connections to database servers and optimizing the ways data is stored to conserve space and improve system performance. In this course, you'll learn how to manage Oracle Net Services. You'll also learn how to work with tablespaces and data files, and how to manage the space used by the core storage structures, data blocks and segments. Finally, you'll learn about the Undo feature in Oracle Database 12c.

Target Audience
Data warehouse administrator; database administrators; database designers; support engineer; technical administrator

Database Maintenance and Performance Tuning in Oracle Database 12c

Course Number:
Lesson Objectives

Database Maintenance and Performance Tuning in Oracle Database 12c

  • start the course
  • describe database maintenance tasks and view alert history in Oracle Database 12c
  • describe the Automatic Workload Repository (AWR) and its infrastructure in Oracle Database 12c
  • create an Automatic Workload Repository (AWR) baseline in Oracle Database 12c
  • manage Automatic Workload Repository (AWR) settings in Oracle Database 12c
  • describe the STATISTICS_LEVEL parameter for a database in Oracle Database 12c
  • use the Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor in Enterprise Manager in Oracle Database 12c
  • describe the Advisory Framework in Oracle Database 12c
  • identify the packages used to invoke advisors in Oracle Database 12c
  • describe and view the automated database maintenance tasks in Oracle Database 12c
  • describe server-generated alerts and set metric thresholds for them in Oracle Database 12c
  • recognize different alert types and clear alerts in Oracle Database 12c
  • plan, monitor, and tune performance in Oracle Database 12c
  • tune the performance of a database instance in Oracle Database 12c
  • use EM Database Express and EM Cloud Control to monitor database performance in Oracle Database 12c
  • monitor session performance in Oracle Database 12c
  • monitor top services in Oracle Database 12c
  • describe and view wait events in Oracle Database 12c
  • use the data dictionary views to diagnose and tune performance problems in Oracle Database 12c
  • identify guidelines for memory management in Oracle Database 12c
  • describe Automatic Memory Management (AMM) and related memory parameters in Oracle Database 12c
  • enable and monitor Automatic Memory Management (AMM) in Oracle Database 12c
  • describe Automatic Shared Memory Management (ASMM) in Oracle Database 12c
  • describe and enable Automatic Shared Memory Management (ASMM) in Oracle Database 12c
  • describe values for autotuned SGA parameters in Oracle Database 12c
  • describe the program global area (PGA) in the Oracle Database 12c
  • configure AWR retention parameters, generate an AWR report, review server-generated alerts, and enable Automatic Memory Management (AMM) in Oracle Database 12c

Oracle Database 12c includes many features that simplify routine database maintenance and performance tuning. In this course, you'll learn how to configure and use the automated database monitoring and maintenance features available in Oracle Database 12c. You'll also learn how to monitor and tune both database and memory performance in Oracle Database 12c.

Target Audience
Data warehouse administrator; database administrators; database designers; support engineer; technical administrator

Managing an Oracle Database 12c Instance

Course Number:
Lesson Objectives

Managing an Oracle Database 12c Instance

  • start the course
  • describe the new multitenant architecture and support for cloud computing in Oracle Database 12c
  • describe the database server architecture and key memory structures in Oracle Database 12c
  • identify the functions of the shared pool
  • identify the functions of the buffer cache and the redo log buffer in Oracle Database 12c
  • explain the functions of the large, Java, and Streams pools and the role of the Program Global Area in Oracle Database 12c
  • describe the new In-Memory column store, as well as in-memory caching of row data, in Oracle Database 12c
  • provide an overview of the process architecture and process structures in Oracle Database 12c
  • describe the database writer and log writer processes in Oracle Database 12c
  • describe the checkpoint, system monitor, and process monitor processes in Oracle Database 12c
  • describe the recoverer, listener registration, and archiver processes in Oracle Database 12c
  • provide an overview of the database storage architecture used in Oracle Database 12c
  • describe the logical and physical storage structures used in Oracle Database 12c
  • explain the new multitenant container database in Oracle Database 12c
  • describe key features of Automatic Storage Management in Oracle Database 12c
  • describe the Oracle Database 12c database management tools, SQL*Plus and SQL Developer
  • access Enterprise Manager (EM) Database Express and provide an overview of the options it provides for managing Oracle Database 12c
  • start Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control and describe its core components in Oracle Database 12c
  • use Enterprise Manager Cloud Control in Oracle Database 12c
  • identify types of initialization parameters and the files that contain them in Oracle Database 12c
  • configure key initialization parameters in Oracle Database 12c
  • describe how to use SQL*Plus to view and configure initialization parameters for Oracle Database 12c
  • explain the steps that occur when you start up a database instance in Oracle Database 12c
  • explain what occurs when you shut down a database instance, as well as the available shutdown modes, in Oracle Database 12c
  • view the alert log and find and use trace files in Oracle Database 12c
  • administer the DDL log file and use the debug log file in Oracle Database 12c
  • describe and use dynamic performance views in Oracle Database 12c
  • describe and use the data dictionary views in Oracle Database 12c
  • configure initialization parameters, start a database instance, and use different views in Oracle Database 12c

An understanding of the memory, process, and storage architecture – along with the new multitenant architecture – in Oracle Database 12c is a good foundation for working with Oracle database instances. In this course, you'll learn about all the key architectural structures in Oracle Database 12c and how they work together. You'll learn about the main tools for managing Oracle database instances. You'll then learn how to get started, configuring initialization parameters, starting up a database instance, working with log files, and using the various database views in Oracle Database 12c. This course is one of a series in the SkillSoft learning path that cover the objectives for the Oracle Database 12c Installation and Administration exam (1Z0-062).

Target Audience
Data warehouse administrators; database administrators; database designers; support engineers; technical administrators

SQL Tuning, Resource Management, and Job Scheduling in Oracle Database 12c

Course Number:
Lesson Objectives

SQL Tuning, Resource Management, and Job Scheduling in Oracle Database 12c

  • start the course
  • describe SQL tuning and the optimizer statistics used in Oracle Database 12c
  • describe the collection of optimizer statistics in Oracle Database 12c
  • use the Optimizer Statistics Console to set global preferences for optimizer statistics in Oracle Database 12c
  • gather optimizer statistics manually and set optimizer statistics preferences in Oracle Database 12c
  • describe concurrent statistics gathering in the Oracle Database 12c
  • view statistics information and the use of SQL plan directives in the Oracle Database 12c
  • describe the SQL Advisors available in Oracle Database 12c
  • describe and use the SQL Tuning Advisor in Oracle Database 12c
  • describe and use the SQL Access Advisor in Oracle Database 12c
  • describe and use the SQL Performance Analyzer in Oracle Database 12c
  • describe the uses of the Database Resource Manager in Oracle Database 12c
  • describe the default Resource Manager plan in Oracle Database 12c
  • create simple and complex resource plans in Oracle Database 12c
  • specify resource plan directives and allocate plan resources in Oracle Database 12c
  • describe the Active Session Pool mechanism, specify thresholds, and set idle timeouts in Oracle Database 12c
  • limit CPU utilization at the database and server levels, and monitor instance caging in Oracle Database 12c
  • track runaway queries and manage the mapping of sessions to resource consumer groups in Oracle Database 12c
  • monitor Resource Manager statistics in Oracle Database 12c
  • describe how to simplify management tasks using the Oracle Scheduler in Oracle Database 12c
  • describe the components of the Scheduler in Oracle Database 12c
  • describe the use of time and event-based schedules in the Oracle Database 12c
  • describe the creation of time and event-based jobs in the Oracle Database 12c
  • configure e-mail notifications and job chains using Oracle Scheduler in Oracle Database 12c
  • describe job classes and job prioritization in Oracle Database 12c
  • create a job array, create a file watcher, and configure file arrival events using Oracle Scheduler in Oracle Database 12c
  • schedule remote database jobs and view Oracle Scheduler metadata in Oracle Database 12c
  • collect statistics, use the SQL Tuning Advisor, and create a simple resource plan in Oracle Database 12c

Proper monitoring and tuning of databases significantly improves system performance. In this course, you'll learn how to use SQL tuning, optimizer statistics, and the range of SQL Advisors included in Oracle Database 12c. You'll also learn how to manage resources to optimize performance and how to use the Oracle Scheduler to create and schedule jobs.

Target Audience
Data warehouse administrator; database administrators; database designers; support engineer; technical administrator

User Security and Auditing in Oracle Database 12c

Course Number:
Lesson Objectives

User Security and Auditing in Oracle Database 12c

  • start the course
  • describe database user accounts in Oracle Database 12c
  • describe administrative user accounts in Oracle Database 12c
  • describe how users are authenticated with the Oracle Database 12c
  • describe administrator authentication when connecting to the Oracle Database 12c
  • create a user and unlock or reset a user's password in Oracle Database 12c
  • administer system privileges in Oracle Database 12c
  • administer object privileges in Oracle Database 12c
  • analyze privileges in Oracle Database 12c
  • describe the predefined database roles for managing privileges in Oracle Database 12c
  • create and assign profiles to users and modify the default profile in Oracle Database 12c
  • assign quotas on tablespaces in Oracle Database 12c
  • describe how to apply the principle of least privilege in Oracle Database 12c
  • implement password security in Oracle Database 12c
  • describe the locking mechanisms for managing data concurrency in Oracle Database 12c
  • identify causes of lock conflicts and detect lock conflicts in Oracle Database 12c
  • resolve lock conflicts and deadlocks in Oracle Database 12c
  • provide an overview of database security, auditing, and compliance monitoring in Oracle Database 12c
  • describe the requirements to implement unified auditing in Oracle Database 12c
  • enable unified auditing in Oracle Database 12c
  • describe the predefined unified audit policies in Oracle Database 12c
  • create unified audit policies in Oracle Database 12c
  • enable, disable, alter, and view audit policies in Oracle Database 12c
  • describe value-based auditing in Oracle Database 12c
  • describe fine-grained auditing (FGA) and assign FGA policies in Oracle Database 12c
  • describe considerations and guidelines for fine-grained auditing (FGA) in Oracle Database 12c
  • archive and purge the audit trail in Oracle Database 12c
  • create a user, assign a role, and configure auditing in Oracle Database 12c

Protecting the security of an Oracle Database 12c system involves controlling and monitoring database access. In this course, you'll learn how to manage privileges and use roles, profiles, quotas, and password security in Oracle Database 12c. You'll learn how to detect and resolve lock conflicts, and you'll learn how to enable and manage auditing of database activity using the Oracle Database 12c Installation and Administration exam (1Z0-062).

Target Audience
Data warehouse administrator; database administrators; database designers; support engineer; technical administrator

Oracle Database 12c R2 SQL: Controlling User Access

Course Number:
Lesson Objectives

Oracle Database 12c R2 SQL: Controlling User Access

  • discuss the benefits of user access control
  • differentiate between system and object privileges
  • create a user and grant privileges
  • describe the purpose of a role
  • grant privileges to a role
  • change a password using the ALTER USER statement
  • list the various object privileges
  • pass on privileges using the WITH GRANT OPTION clause
  • confirm granted privileges
  • revoke privileges using the REVOKE statement
  • implement user access control


Discover how to control database access to specific objects and add new users with different levels of access privileges.


Prerequisites: none

Oracle Database 12c R2 SQL: Conversion Functions and Conditional Expressions

Course Number:
Lesson Objectives

Oracle Database 12c R2 SQL: Conversion Functions and Conditional Expressions

  • describe the use of implicit and explicit data conversion within SQL statements
  • use the TO_CHAR function to convert a date to a character data type in a SQL statement
  • demonstrate elements of the Date Format Model in SQL
  • use the TO_CHAR function to convert a number to a character data type in a SQL statement
  • use the TO_NUMBER and TO_DATE functions to convert a character data type to a number or date format in a SQL statement
  • use the TO_CHAR and TO_DATE functions with the RR date format to return data for a previous century in a SQL statement
  • describe general functions when working with data and how it pertains to NULL values
  • use the NVL and NVL2 functions when working with NULL values in a SQL statement
  • use the NULLIF and COALESCE functions when working with NULL values in a SQL statement
  • "describe conditional expressions to provide the use of the IF-THEN-ELSE logic in a SQL statement "
  • use the CASE expression to facilitate a conditional inquiry in a SQL statement
  • use the DECODE function to facilitate conditional inquiry in a SQL statement
  • apply conversions and conditional functions


Frequently when retrieving data stored in an Oracle database, the data needs to be converted, manipulated, or aggregated. Discover Oracle conversion functions and conditional expressions.


Prerequisites: none

Oracle Database 12c R2 SQL: Creating Other Schema Objects

Course Number:
Lesson Objectives

Oracle Database 12c R2 SQL: Creating Other Schema Objects

  • describe views
  • differentiate between simple and complex views
  • create a view
  • modify a view
  • view information using USER_VIEWS
  • define columns as visible or invisible
  • describe sequences
  • demonstrate the use of the NEXTVAL and CURRVAL pseudocolumns
  • use a sequence
  • use the ALTER SEQUENCE statement
  • view sequence information using USER_SEQUENCES
  • create views and sequences


Explore the basics of creating and using sequences and views in Oracle Database 12c SQL.


Prerequisites: none

Oracle Database 12c R2 SQL: Data Definition Language (DDL)

Course Number:
Lesson Objectives

Oracle Database 12c R2 SQL: Data Definition Language (DDL)

  • provide an overview of DLL, and describe the DDL database objects and the associated naming rules
  • use the CREATE TABLE SQL command to create new tables in the database
  • identify the different Oracle database data types used when creating a table
  • define a default value to be assigned to a column when creating a table
  • identify the different types of constraints and how these are used to enforce rules at a table level
  • define constraints such as NOT NULL, UNIQUE, PRIMARY KEY, FOREIGN KEY, and CHECK
  • create a new table and insert rows by combining CREATE TABLE and AS in a SQL statement
  • change the definition of a table using the ALTER TABLE SQL command
  • mark columns as unused with the SET UNUSED statement
  • remove unused columns
  • use the DROP TABLE SQL command to delete a table from the database
  • create and work with tables using DDL


Explore how to create a table and work with the various constraints associated with a table in Oracle Database 12c.


Prerequisites: none

Oracle Database 12c R2 SQL: Data Manipulation Language and Transaction Control Language

Course Number:
Lesson Objectives

Oracle Database 12c R2 SQL: Data Manipulation Language and Transaction Control Language

  • define the Data Manipulation Language in SQL
  • add rows to a table in the database by using the INSERT SQL statement
  • insert rows with NULL values
  • insert a special value in a table
  • change data in a table using the UPDATE statement
  • remove rows from a table using the DELETE and TRUNCATE statement
  • use the COMMIT and ROLLBACK statements
  • use the SAVEPOINT statement
  • describe a statement level rollback
  • guarantee consistent view of data at all times
  • demonstrate when to use the FOR UPDATE and LOCK table statements
  • insert and update rows in a table


Once an Oracle 12c relational database has been created with objects, the data in these objects needs to be managed. Discover how to insert, update, delete, and truncate rows.


Prerequisites: none

Oracle Database 12c R2 SQL: Displaying Data from Multiple Tables

Course Number:
Lesson Objectives

Oracle Database 12c R2 SQL: Displaying Data from Multiple Tables

  • obtain data from multiple tables
  • list the various types of joins
  • use the NATURAL JOIN clause
  • use the USING clause to specify columns used for an equijoin to retrieve records in a SQL statement
  • join tables with the ON clause
  • use self-joins using the ON clause
  • use a join condition containing a nonequijoin in a SQL statement
  • use a left, right, and full outer join in a SQL statement
  • demonstrate the generation of a Cartesian product returned by a SQL statement
  • create cross joins in a SQL statement
  • access data from multiple tables


Explore how to join tables together to view information across multiple tables and examine the more advanced features of the SELECT statements.


Prerequisites: none

Oracle Database 12c R2 SQL: Managing Objects with Data Dictionary Views 

Course Number:
Lesson Objectives

Oracle Database 12c R2 SQL: Managing Objects with Data Dictionary Views 

  • provide an overview of data dictionary views
  • demonstrate when to use the USER OBJECTS view
  • demonstrate when to use the ALL_OBJECTS view
  • query a data dictionary view for table, column, and constraint information
  • add a comment to a table and query the data dictionary view for comment information
  • work with dictionary views


Explore the basics of data dictionary views. Discover how to create views on tables. Synonyms, sequences, and indexes, and how to create them is also covered.


Prerequisites: none

Oracle Database 12c R2 SQL: Managing Schema Objects    

Course Number:
Lesson Objectives

Oracle Database 12c R2 SQL: Managing Schema Objects    

  • add a constraint
  • drop a constraint
  • delete child rows using the ON DELETE CASCADE and DELETE SET NULL clauses
  • use the CASCADE CONSTRAINTS clause
  • disable and enable constraints
  • describe indexes
  • create an index
  • retrieve index information using USER_INDEXES
  • create a temporary table
  • describe the benefits of external tables
  • create external tables using the CREATE TABLE statement
  • query external tables
  • work with database objects


Explore how to work with constraints and alter existing objects in Oracle Database 12c. Working with external tables and naming an index at time of creating a PRIMARY KEY constraint is also covered.


Prerequisites: none

Oracle Database 12c R2 SQL: Manipulating Data Using Advanced Queries

Course Number:
Lesson Objectives

Oracle Database 12c R2 SQL: Manipulating Data Using Advanced Queries

  • specify explicit default values in INSERT and UPDATE statements
  • describe when to use multitable INSERT statements
  • use the unconditional INSERT statement
  • use the conditional INSERT ALL statement
  • use the conditional INSERT FIRST statement
  • use the pivoting INSERT statement
  • use the MERGE statement
  • use the FLASHBACK TABLE statement
  • track changes in data
  • use the VERSIONS BETWEEN Clause
  • perform advanced queries


Discover how to use the DEFAULT keyword in INSERT and UPDATE statements. Multitable INSERT statements, the MERGE statement, performing flashback operations, and tracking changes are also covered.


Prerequisites: none

Oracle Database 12c R2 SQL: Reporting Aggregated Data Using the Group Functions   

Course Number:
Lesson Objectives

Oracle Database 12c R2 SQL: Reporting Aggregated Data Using the Group Functions   

  • describe how to use group functions to return one result based on a set of rows in a SQL statement
  • use the AVG and SUM functions to group numeric data in a SQL statement
  • use the MIN and MAX functions to group numeric, character, and date data types in a SQL statement
  • use the COUNT and COUNT DISTINCT functions in a SQL statement
  • work with NULL values when grouping a set of rows in a SQL statement
  • create groups of data in a SQL statement
  • create groups of data and work with the GROUP BY clause in a SQL statement
  • use the GROUP BY clause on multiple columns in a SQL statement
  • demonstrate illegal queries when using the GROUP BY function in a SQL statement
  • use the HAVING clause to restrict grouped rows returned in a SQL statement
  • nest group functions to a depth of two functions in a SQL statement
  • write SQL statements using GROUP BY and HAVING


Discover how to obtain summary information, such as averages, for groups of rows in SQL. Explore how to group rows in a table into smaller sets and how to specify search criteria for groups of rows.


Prerequisites: none

Oracle Database 12c R2 SQL: Restricting and Sorting Data

Course Number:
Lesson Objectives

Oracle Database 12c R2 SQL: Restricting and Sorting Data

  • describe the limiting of rows selected in a query and how to use the WHERE clause in a SQL statement
  • use character strings and dates in a WHERE clause in a SQL statement
  • use the comparison operators in a WHERE clause in a SQL statement
  • use the BETWEEN and IN operators in a WHERE clause in a SQL statement
  • use the LIKE operator and combine wildcard characters in a WHERE clause in a SQL statement
  • use the NULL and logical operator conditions in a WHERE clause in a SQL statement
  • use the AND, OR, and NOT operators in a WHERE clause in a SQL statement
  • define the rules of precedence in a WHERE clause in a SQL statement
  • use the ORDER BY clause to sort the data returned by a SQL statement
  • use the ROW_LIMITING_CLAUSE to limit the number of rows returned by a SQL statement
  • use substitution variables
  • manipulate data using SQL


Database tables hold a large number of rows, which are often not sorted in any specific order. Learn how to selectively return only a subset of rows, sorted and customized.


Prerequisites: none

Oracle Database 12c R2 SQL: SQL*Plus

Course Number:
Lesson Objectives

Oracle Database 12c R2 SQL: SQL*Plus

  • demonstrate features of SQL and SQL*Plus
  • demonstrate SQL*Plus editing commands
  • use the LIST, APPEND, and CHANGE SQL*Plus editing commands
  • demonstrate the SQL*Plus file commands
  • use the SAVE and START SQL*Plus file commands
  • use the SERVEROUTPUT and SPOOL SQL*Plus commands
  • use the AUTOTRACE SQL*Plus command
  • use SQL*Plus


SQL*Plus is an interactive and batch query tool that is installed with every Oracle server and client installation. This course will teach you the features and functionality of SQL*Plus.


Prerequisites: none

Oracle Database 12c R2 SQL: Using Basic SELECT statements

Course Number:
Lesson Objectives

Oracle Database 12c R2 SQL: Using Basic SELECT statements

  • use the basic SELECT statements
  • recognize the rules and guidelines for constructing valid SQL statements in SQL Developer and SQL*Plus
  • describe and use the arithmetic expressions in SQL
  • apply the standard order of precedence in SQL arithmetic expressions
  • identify how NULL values are defined in SQL and how they affect arithmetic expression outcomes
  • define column aliases in the SELECT list
  • "use the concatenation operator to create a character expression in the SQL statement output"
  • use literal character strings in a SELECT statement
  • describe when to use the WHERE clause
  • eliminate duplicate rows from SQL statement output using the DISTINCT qualifier
  • display the structure of a table using the SQL*Plus DESCRIBE command
  • select data from different tables, describe tables, perform arithmetic calculations, and specify column names using aliases


Explore how to retrieve data using SQL SELECT statements including arithmetic expressions, NULL values, column aliases, and literal strings. You will also learn how to deal with duplicate rows.


Prerequisites: none

Oracle Database 12c R2 SQL: Using Single-Row Functions to Customize Output   

Course Number:
Lesson Objectives

Oracle Database 12c R2 SQL: Using Single-Row Functions to Customize Output   

  • identify the types of SQL functions in a SQL statement and describe single-row functions
  • use character functions in a SQL statement
  • use case conversion functions in a SQL statement
  • use character manipulation functions in a SQL statement
  • use nesting functions in a SQL statement
  • use numeric ROUND and TRUNC functions in a SQL statement
  • use the MOD function in a SQL statement
  • work with dates and the RR date format in a SQL statement
  • use the SYSDATE, CURRENT_DATE and CURRENT_TIMESTAMP functions in a SQL statement
  • use arithmetic operators with dates in a SQL statement
  • use date manipulation functions such as MONTHS_BETWEEN, ADD_MONTHS, NEXT_DAY, and LAST_DAY in a SQL statement
  • use the numeric ROUND and TRUNC functions with dates
  • write a SQL statements that use character, number, and date functions


Database tables may hold a large number of rows, which are often not sorted in any specific order. Discover how to selectively return only a subset of table rows, sorted and customized.


Prerequisites: none

Oracle Database 12c R2 SQL: Using Structured Query Language (SQL)

Course Number:
Lesson Objectives

Oracle Database 12c R2 SQL: Using Structured Query Language (SQL)

  • list focus areas such as infrastructure grid technology, information management, application development, infrastructure grids
  • describe features such as manageability, high availability, performance, security, information integration
  • list the features of relational and object relational database management systems and how data is stored on different media
  • list the features and benefits of a relational database
  • describe the purpose of data models
  • use SQL to query a database
  • provide an introduction on Oracle Live SQL
  • provide an overview of SQL Developer
  • describe the database cloud service
  • work with the SQL language


Explore the introductory concepts of working with Oracle Database 12c, including relational database management concepts and terminologies and Oracle Live SQL.


Prerequisites: none

Oracle Database 12c R2 SQL: Using Subqueries to Solve Queries 

Course Number:
Lesson Objectives

Oracle Database 12c R2 SQL: Using Subqueries to Solve Queries 

  • use a subquery to solve a problem in a SQL statement
  • using group functions and the HAVING clause in a subquery
  • use the IN, ANY, and ALL operators in multiple-row subqueries in a SQL statement
  • "use a multiple-column subquery to return more than one column to the outer query in a SQL statement "
  • use the EXISTS and NOT EXISTS operators
  • use the WITH clause
  • use correlated UPDATE subqueries
  • use correlated DELETE subqueries
  • demonstrate the use of NULL values in a subquery and use the NOT IN operator in a SQL statement
  • manipulate data using subqueries


Subqueries are very useful when you need to select rows from a table with a condition that depends on the data in the table itself. Explore the types, syntax, and guidelines for using subqueries in Oracle.


Prerequisites: none

Oracle Database 12c R2 SQL: Using the Set Operators

Course Number:
Lesson Objectives

Oracle Database 12c R2 SQL: Using the Set Operators

  • describe the types of set operators and their associated guidelines
  • recognize how the Oracle Server manages set operators
  • use UNION and UNION ALL operators to return all rows in a SQL statement
  • use the INTERSECT operator to return all rows that are common to multiple queries in a SQL statement
  • use the MINUS operator to return all distinct rows selected by the first query in a SQL statement
  • demonstrate how the expressions in the SELECT lists of queries must match in number in a SQL statement
  • use the ORDER BY clause in set operations in a SQL statement
  • use set operators to combine the results of multiple queries


Discover how to write SQL queries by using set operators.


Prerequisites: none

TestPrep 1Z0-071 Oracle Database SQL

Course Number:

To test your knowledge on the skills and competencies being measured by the vendor certification exam. TestPrep can be taken in either Study or Certification mode. Study mode is designed to maximize learning by not only testing your knowledge of the material, but also by providing additional information on the topics presented. Certification mode is designed to test your knowledge of the material within a structured testing environment, providing valuable feedback at the end of the test.


Prerequisites: none

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